天狗連では各種イベントやパーティー等への出演のご依頼を受付けております。心躍る和楽器の生演奏で、日本伝統の阿波踊りを幅広い世代に楽しんで頂けます。 We are welcome for the Awa odori (dance) performance requests at events and parties. With live performances of exciting Japanese musical instruments, a wide range of generations can enjoy Japanese traditional Awa Odori.
過去にあった出演の例Past performance examples
\ 出演の様子はこちらをご覧下さい Check our event videos /
出演のご説明(3:24)How we perform Awa-Odori (3:24)
阿波おどりをご存じない方でもご理解頂けるよう、過去の様々な出演動画を基に天狗連の出演の仕方をご説明致します。To help those who are unfamiliar with Awa-Odori, we will show various videos of past performances and explain how we perform.
オーケストラコラボ・韃靼人の踊り(11:48)"Polovtsian Dances" with Aile Orchestra 2023(14:55)
ミューザ川崎シンフォニーホールにて開催された『旅するエール~Play for the Blue Ocean~』にご招待頂きました。クラシック×阿波踊りをどうぞお楽しみ下さい。
結婚式余興(1:00)Wedding banquet (1:00)
馬橋盆踊り2023出演(14:55)Mabashi Bon-Odori 2023(14:55)
We will flexibly respond to customer's requests, the number of dancers, the content of the dance and the combination of the performance types according to the budget and space.
Ex1 : Street parade + Stage show
Ex2 : Shows on the street + Awa odori class
Ex3 : Street parades + Shows on the street + Awa odori class
Ex4 : Stage shows only
Please feel free to contact us.

依頼フォームRequest form
request form
For the performance requests and inquiries, please use the form below. Even if you haven't decided the details yet, it is OK. Please input "Undecided" for those points. We will get back to you within a week. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
東京高円寺を拠点としております為、平日の出演については都内近郊、夕方以降でご検討を頂けましたら幸いです。 Since we are locating in Koenji, Tokyo, we would appreciate if you could consider the location near Tokyo and the start time after evening in case the events on weekdays.